Design Library Management System

Problem Statement:

Step-1: What is a Library Management System ?

Step-2: System Requirements

We will focus on the following set of requirements of while designing the Library Management System:

  1. Any library member should be able to search books by their title, author, subject category as well by the publication date.
  2. Each book will have a unique identification number and other details including a rack number which helps to physically locate a book.
  3. There can be more than 1 copy of a book (each copy is a book item). A library member should be able to checkout & reserve any copy.
  4. System should be able to retrieve information like who took a particular book or what are the books checkout out by a member.
  5. There should be a maximum limit (5) on no. of books a member can checkout.
  6. There should be a maximum limit (10) on no. of days a member can keep a book.
  7. The system should be able to collect fines for books afte the due date.
  8. Members should be available to reserve books that are currently not available.
  9. System should be able to send notifications whenever the reserved books become available & for books not returned within due dates.
  10. Each book and member will have unique barcode. The system should be able to read barcodes from books and members’ library cards.

Note: Always clarify requirements at the begining of the interview and ask questions to find exact scope of system that interviewer is expecting.

Step-3: Use-Case Diagram

3 Main Actors of the System
  1. Librarian: Mainly responsible for adding books and book items and users. Can also issue, reserve and return book.
  2. Member: All members can search a catalog, as well as check-out, reserve, renew and return a book.
  3. System: Mainly responsible for sending notifications for overdue books, cancelled reservations etc.
Top Use-Cases of the System:

Step-4: Class Diagram

Here are the main classes of our Library Management System:

Step-5: Activity Diagrams

Check-out a Book

Any library member or librarian can perform this activity. Here are the steps to check-out a book.

Return a Book

Any library member or librarian can perform this activity. The system will collect fines from members if they return books after the due date.

Here are the steps for returning a book.

Renew a Book

Step-6: Code

Here is the code for the use cases mentioned above: 1) Check-out a book 2) Return a book 3) Renew a book.

Note: This code only focuses on the design part of the use cases. Since it is not required to write a fully executable code in interview. We can assume parts of the code to interact with the database, payment system.

Enums and Constants: Required enums, data types and constants