Regular Expressions in Java

What are Regular Expressions ?

java.util.regex Package

This consists of 3 classes and 1 interface :

MatchResult Interface

Methods :
Modifier and Type Method Description
int end() To return the offset after the last character matched.
int end(int group) To return the offset after the last character of the subsequence captured by the given group during this match.
String group() To return the input subsequence matched by the previous match.
String group(int group) To return the input subsequence captured by the given group during the previous match operation.
int groupCount() To return the number of capturing groups in this match result’s pattern.
int start() To return the start index of the match.
int start(int group) To return the start index of the subsequence captured by the given group during this match.

1. Pattern Class

Basic Syntax:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("geeks");
Methods :
Modifier and Type Method Description
static Pattern compile(String regex) To compile the given regular expression into a pattern.
static Pattern compile(String regex,int flags) To compile the given regular expression into a pattern with given flags.
int flags() To return this pattern’s match flags.
Matcher matcher(CharSequence input) To create a matcher that will match the given input against this pattern.
static boolean matches(String regex, CharSequence input) To compile the given regular expression and attempts to match the given input against it.
String pattern() To return the regular expression from which this pattern was compiled.
static String quote(String s) To return a literal pattern String for the specified String.
String[] split(CharSequence input) To split the given input sequence around matches of this pattern.
String[] split(CharSequence input,int limit) To split the given input sequence around matches of this pattern.
String toString() To return the string representation of this pattern.

2. Matcher Class

Basic Syntax:
// Create a pattern to be searched 
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("geeks"); 

// Search above pattern in "" 
Matcher m = pattern.matcher("");
Methods :
Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean find() For searching multiple occurrences of the regular expressions in the text.
boolean find(int start) For searching occurrences of the regular expressions in the text starting from the given index.
int start() For getting the start index of a match that is being found using find() method.
int end() For getting the end index of a match that is being found using find() method. It returns index of character next to last matching character.
int groupCount() It is used to find the total number of the matched subsequence.
String group() It is used to find the matched subsequence.
boolean matches() It is used to test whether the regular expression matches the pattern.

Note: Pattern.matches() checks if the whole text matches with a pattern or not. Other methods are mainly used to find multiple occurrences of pattern in text.

3. PatternSyntaxException class

Methods :
Modifier and Type Method Description
String getDescription() To retrieve the description of the error.
int getIndex() To retrieve the error index.
String getMessage() To return a multiline string containing description of syntax error and its index, the erroneous regular-expression pattern, and a visual indication of the error index within the pattern.
String getPattern() To retrieve the erroneous regular-expression pattern.
Important Observations / Facts
  1. We create a pattern object by calling Pattern.compile(), there is no constructor. compile() is a static method in Pattern class.
  2. Like above, we create a Matcher object using matcher() on objects of Pattern class.
  3. Pattern.matches() is also a static method that is used to check if given text as a whole matches pattern or not.
  4. find() is used to find multiple occurrences of pattern in text.
  5. We can split a text based on a delimiter pattern using split()