Let’s design Facebook’s Newsfeed, which contains posts, photos, videos and status updates from all the people and pages a user follows.
Similar Services: Twitter Newsfeed, Instagram Newsfeed, Quora Newsfeed
Difficulty Level: Hard
Step-1: What is Facebook’s newsfeed?
Newsfeed is the constantly updating list of stories in the middle of Facebook’s homepage.
It includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity and likes from people, pages, and groups that a user follows on Facebook.
In other words, it’s a compilation of a complete scrollable version of a person and his friends’ life story from photos, videos, locations, status updates and other activities.
Any social media site we design - Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, we will need some sort of newsfeed system to display updates from friends and followers.
Step-2: Requirements and Goals of the System
Let’s design a newsfeed for Facebook with the following requirements:
api_dev_key (string): The API developer key of a registered account, can be used to, among other things, throttle users based on their allocated quota.
user_id (number): The ID of the user for whom the system will generate the newsfeed.
since_id (number): Optional; returns results with an ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID.
count (number): Optional; specifies the number of feed items to try and retrieve, up to a maximum of 200 per distinct request.
max_id (number): Optional; returns results with an ID less than (that is, older than) or equal to the specified ID.
exclude_replies(boolean): Optional; this parameter will prevent replies from appearing in the returned timeline.
Returns a JSON object containing a list of feed items.
Step-5: Database Design
There are 3 basic objects:
Entity (e.g., page, group, etc.)
FeedItem (or Post)
Here are some observations about the relationships between these entities:
A User can follow entities and can become friends with other users.
Both users and entities can post FeedItems which can contain text, images or videos.
Each FeedItem will have a UserID which would point to the User who created it.
For simplicity, let’s assume that only users can create feed items, although on Facebook, Pages can post feed item too.
Each FeedItem can optionally have an EntityID pointing to the page or the group where that post was created.
If we are using a relational database, we would need to model two relations:
User-Entity relation (UserFollow Table): Since each user can be friends with many people and follow a lot of entities, we can store this relation in a separate table. The Type column in UserFollow identifies if the entity being followed is a User or Entity.
At a high level this problem can be divided into two parts:
Feed generation:
Newsfeed is generated from the posts (or feed items) of users and entities (pages and groups) that a user follows.
So, whenever our system receives a request to generate the feed for a user (say Jane), we will perform following steps:
Retrieve IDs of all users and entities that Jane follows.
Retrieve latest, most popular and relevant posts for those IDs, these are the potential posts that we can show in Jane’s newsfeed.
Rank these posts, based on the relevance to Jane, this represents Jane’s current feed.
Store this feed in the cache and return top posts (say 20) to be rendered on Jane’s feed.
On the front-end when Jane reaches the end of her current feed, she can fetch next 20 posts from the server and so on.
Here we generated the feed once and stored it in cache.
What about new incoming posts from people that Jane follows?
If Jane is online, we should have a mechanism to rank and add those new posts to her feed.
We can periodically (say every five minutes) perform the above steps to rank and add the newer posts to her feed.
Jane can then be notified that there are newer items in her feed that she can fetch.
Feed publishing:
Whenever Jane loads her newsfeed page, she has to request and pull feed items from the server.
When she reaches the end of her current feed, she can pull more data from the server.
For newer items either the server can notify Jane and then she can pull, or the server can push these new posts.
We will discuss these options in detail later.
At a high level, we would need following components in our Newsfeed service:
Web servers: To maintain a connection with the user. This connection will be used to transfer data b/w the user and the server.
Application server: To execute the workflows of storing new posts in the database servers. We would also need some application servers to retrieve and push the newsfeed to the end user.
Newsfeed generation service: To gather and rank all the relevant posts for a user to generate newsfeed and store in the cache. This service would also receive live updates and will add these newer feed items to any user’s timeline.
Here are issues with this design for the feed generation service:
Crazy slow for users with a lot of friends/follows as we have to perform sorting/merging/ranking of a huge number of posts.
We generate the timeline when a user loads their page. This would be quite slow and have a high latency.
For live updates, each status update will result in feed updates for all followers. This could result in high backlogs in our Newsfeed Generation Service.
For live updates, the server pushing (or notifying about) newer posts to users could lead to very heavy loads, especially for people or pages that have a lot of followers. To improve the efficiency, we can pre-generate the timeline and store it in a memory.
Offline generation for newsfeed:
We can have dedicated servers that are continuously generating users’ newsfeed and storing them in memory.
So, whenever a user requests for the new posts for their feed, we can simply serve it from the pre-generated, stored location.
Using this scheme user’s newsfeed is not compiled on load, but rather on a regular basis and returned to users whenever they need it.
Whenever these servers need to generate the feed for a user, they would first query to see what was the last time the feed was generated for that user.
Then, new feed data would be generated from that time onwards. We can store this data in a hash table, where the “key” would be UserID and “value” would be a like below:
Storing FeedItemIDs in a Linked HashMap, will enable us to not only jump to any feed item but also iterate through the map easily.
Whenever users want to fetch more feed items, they can send the last FeedItemID they currently see in their newsfeed, we can then jump to that FeedItemID in our linked hash map and return next batch / page of feed items from there.
How many feed items should we store in memory for a user’s feed ?
Initially, we can decide to store 500 feed items per user, but this number can be adjusted later based on the usage pattern.
For example, if we assume that one page of user’s feed has 20 posts and most of the users never browse more than ten pages of their feed, we can decide to store only 200 posts per user.
For any user, who wants to see more posts (more than what is stored in memory) we can always query backend servers.
Should we generate (and keep in memory) newsfeed for all users ?
There will be a lot of users that don’t login frequently. Here are a few things we can do to handle this.
A simpler approach could be to use an LRU based cache that can remove users from memory that haven’t accessed their newsfeed for a long time.
A smarter solution can figure out the login pattern of users to pre-generate their newsfeed.
At what time of the day a user is active ?
Which days of the week a user accesses their newsfeed? etc.
Let’s now discuss some solutions to our “live updates” problems in the following section.
b) Feed Publishing Service
The process of pushing a post to all the followers is called a fanout.
Involves keeping all the recent feed data in memory so that users can pull it from the server whenever they need it.
Clients can pull the feed data on a regular basis or manually whenever they need it.
Possible problems:
New data might not be shown to the users until they issue a pull request
It’s hard to find the right pull cadence, as most of the time pull requests will result in an empty response if there is no new data, causing waste of resources.
We can do a combination of fan-out-on- write and fan-out-on-load.
Specifically, we can stop pushing posts from users with a high number of followers (a celebrity user) and only push data for those users who have a few hundred (or thousand) followers.
For celebrity users, we can let the followers pull the updates.
Since the push operation can be extremely costly for users who have a lot of friends or followers therefore, by disabling fanout for them, we can save a huge number of resources.
In this approach once a user publishes a post; we can limit the fanout to only their online friends.
Also, to get benefits of both the approaches, a combination of push to notify and pull for serving end users is a great way to go.
Purely push or pull model is less versatile.
How many feed items can we return to the client in each request ?
We should have a maximum limit for the number of items a user can fetch in one request (say 20).
But we should let clients choose to specify how many feed items they want with each request, as the user may like to fetch a different number of posts depending on the device (mobile vs desktop).
Should we always notify users if there are new posts available for their newsfeed ?
It could be useful for users to get notified whenever new data is available.
However, on mobile devices, where data usage is relatively expensive, it can consume unnecessary bandwidth.
Hence, at least for mobile devices, we can choose not to push data, instead let users “Pull to Refresh” to get new posts.
Step-8: Feed Ranking
The most straightforward way to rank posts in a newsfeed is by the creation time of the posts.
But today’s ranking algorithms are doing a lot more than that to ensure important posts are ranked higher.
High-level idea of ranking:
First select key “signals” that make a post important and then figure out how to combine them to calculate a final ranking score.
More specifically, we can select features that are relevant to the importance of any feed item, e.g. number of likes, comments, shares, time of the update, whether the post has images/videos, etc., and then, a score can be calculated using these features.
This is generally enough for a simple ranking system.
A better ranking system can significantly improve itself by constantly evaluating if we are making progress in user stickiness, retention, ads revenue, etc.
Step-9: Data Partitioning
a) Sharding Posts and Metadata
Since we have a huge number of new posts every day and our read load is extremely high too, we need to distribute our data onto multiple machines such that we can read/write it efficiently.
For sharding our DBs that are storing posts and their metadata, we can have a similar design as discussed under Designing Twitter.
b) Sharding Feed Data
For feed data, which is being stored in memory, we can partition it based on UserID.
We can try storing all the data of a user on one server.
When storing, pass the UserID to hash function that will map the user to a cache server where we will store the user’s feed objects.
Also, for any given user, since we don’t expect to store more than 500 FeedItmeIDs, we wouldn’t run into a scenario where feed data for a user doesn’t fit on a single server.
To get the feed of a user, we would always have to query only one server.
For future growth and replication, we must use Consistent Hashing.