lvl := 1
//random() that returns a random value in [0...1)
while random() < p and lvl < MaxLevel do
lvl := lvl + 1
return lvl
from random import random
class Node:
def __init__(self, key, level):
self.key = key
self.next = [None]*(level+1)
class SkipList:
def __init__(self, max_level, P):
# Maximum level for this skip list
self.max_level = max_level
# P is the fraction of the nodes with level i references also having level i+1 references
self.P = P
# create head node and initialize key to -1
self.head = Node(-1, max_level)
# temp level of skip list
self.level = 0
def get_random_level(self):
lvl = 0
while random() < self.P and lvl < self.max_level:
lvl += 1
return lvl
def insert_key(self, key):
# create update array and initialize it
update = [None]*(self.max_level+1)
temp = self.head
# start from highest level of skip list move the temp reference next while key
# is greater than key of node next to temp, Otherwise inserted temp in update and
# move one level down and continue search.
for i in range(self.level, -1, -1):
while temp.next[i] and temp.next[i].key < key:
temp = temp.next[i]
update[i] = temp
# reached level 0, now get the node next to temp, need to insert b/w temp and next_node
next_node = temp.next[0]
# if next_node is NULL that means we have reached to end of the level or
# if next_node's key != key to insert that means we have to insert node between update[0] and next_node
if next_node == None or next_node.key != key:
# Generate a random level for node
random_level = self.get_random_level()
# If random level is greater than list's next_node level
# (node with highest level inserted in list so far),
# initialize update value with reference to head for further use
if random_level > self.level:
for i in range(self.level+1, random_level+1):
update[i] = self.head
self.level = random_level
# create new node with random level generated
new_node = Node(key, random_level)
# insert node by rearranging references
for i in range(random_level+1):
new_node.next[i] = update[i].next[i]
update[i].next[i] = new_node
print(key, end=" ")
def display_list(self):
print("\n\nFinal Skip List Level wise:")
head = self.head
for lvl in range(self.level+1):
print("Level - [{}]: ".format(lvl), end=" ")
node = head.next[lvl]
while(node != None):
print(node.key, end=" ")
node = node.next[lvl]
# Driver Program
print("Skip List Example:")
lst = SkipList(3, 0.5)
print("Insert Keys: ", end=" ")