Literary Sources

Foreign Accounts

Greek Accounts


Roman Accounts

Natural History (by Pliny)

Arab Accounts

Sulaiman (~850 AD)

Al-Masudi (915 AD)

Chinese Accounts

Sanskrit Literature

Religious Literature

Purana / Epic Literature

Vedic Literature as a Reflection

Racial Debate – Aryans vs Dasas / Dasyus / Panis

Interaction Between Aryans and the Inhabitants

Secular Literature

Mahabhashya by Patanjali

Mudrarakshasha by Vishakhadutta

Arthasastra by Kautilya

Post - Mauryan Period

Literature in Post Mauryan Period

Literature in Gupta Period

Literature (Primarily Smriti Literature) in Early Medieval Age

Regional Literature

Prakrit Literature

NBPW Phase

Post Mauryan Age

Pali Literature

NBPW phase (Tripitaka)

Tamil Literature
Sangam Literature

Political Reflections

Cultural Reflections

Social Reflections

Economic Reflections

Approaches to Study History

Orientalist Approach
Utilitarian / Anglicist Approach
Marxist Approach
Nationalist Approach
Other Approaches

Inscriptions and Women

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