Design Pastebin

Problem Statement:

Step-1: What is Pastebin?


Pastebin Site URL:

Access Pastebin Content:

Step-2: Requirements and Goals of the System

Step-3: Some Design Considerations

Step-4: Capacity Estimation and Constraints

Traffic estimates:
Storage estimates:
Bandwidth estimates:
Memory estimates:

Step-5: System APIs

Create API
addPaste(api_dev_key, paste_data, custom_url=None user_name=None, paste_name=None, expire_date=None)
Retrieve API
getPaste(api_dev_key, api_paste_key)
Delete API
deletePaste(api_dev_key, api_paste_key)

Step-6: Database Design

Step-7: High Level Design

Step-8: Component Design

a) Application Layer
How to handle a write request ?

Solution-1: Generate Hash for key and map to server

Solution-2: Key Generation Service (KGS)

How to handle a paste read request ?

b) Datastore Layer

Step-9: Data Partitioning and Replication

Step-10: Caching and Load Balancer (LB)

Step-11: Purging or DB Cleanup

Step-12: Telemetry

Step-13: Security and Permissions

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